
Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Years Resolutions

The sermon we heard today was all about New Years Resolutions. Using the text of 2 Timothy and Paul's final days, the pastor talked about the things that Paul was focused on while awaiting his execution at the hands of the Romans:
  1. Surrounding himself with godly friendships.
  2. Reading uplifting and edifying texts.
  3. Investing in eternity.

The pastor encouraged us to make these our New Years Resolutions above all else. As you look forward to the New Year, consider how 2009 may be the year you make an impact for Christ and his kingdom and the changes you need to make in your life to be more like Him.


Madge said...

i neede to read this post today. thank you.

Emily said...

Those are great resolutions for a person to have. Keeping them is the hard part!