Looks like Peanut and String Bean have taken to one another. Which makes me wonder to myself...since the parents of the bride typically pay for the bulk of wedding expenses, what should we be putting away for String Bean's wedding now?
My co-blogger, Amy, has a daughter, Cashew. Her dad suggested $1 per week. In order for her to have a $10,000 wedding budget (using the "mattress" savings plan) she'll be 192 before we have that saved up. Oh, wait. She's almost 1 now...make that 193. I'm not sure Peanut will wait that long for her.
How much should we save up for both String Bean's and Cashew's weddings? Any suggestions on how to save for both weddings and college without sacrificing one for the other?
Keep in mind that although we married a doctor and a technical professional, we are still dirt poor. How is that possible you ask? Well, that's a topic for another day!

What is Peanut and Cashew's big brother's nickname?
His name is Walnut!
Saving for a wedding already? Well, good luck! If I were to stuff money under my mattress it wouldn't work, because every time I wanted a Starbucks, I'd reach underneath and grab a five!
You are already planning the day you give her away?!? They grow fast but gosh!
My moms rule was she was paying for college or a wedding, not both. So I went to private college then had a small wedding (which do you think I paid for?)
Recently I read an article that said save for your own retirement before saving for your kids' college &/or weddings. They can borrow money at that time & have the rest of their lives to pay it off, but if you don't save for your retirement, you'll work til you die & struggle to pay for healthcare. Fun thought, I know. But I keep hoping my kids are smart & can get scholarships!
If String Bean goes to college where my husband works (and IF he's still working there), we'll get her college education for rather cheap (more than 50% off); however, we still have to pay for room and board!
She can live at home! Why pay room and board when she's going to college in the same town!
Amy, when she's ready to go off to college, we'll let you break the "you're living at home" news!
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