I am quite proud of myself for making it this far. As I've mentioned before, I ran into lots of common breastfeeding problems. Here are a few:
- String Bean was a lazy sucker
- String Bean had a recessed jaw (which has now resolved itself)
- I had to exclusively pump for the first 4 weeks of her life until she was strong enough to overcome the lazy sucker and recessed jaw problems
- I had surgery when String Bean was 4 months old (gall bladder removal) which caused me to lose my milk supply all together
- I had to go on drugs to increase the supply since none of the traditional methods of increasing supply worked
- String Bean has her father's metabolism which translates into barely hanging onto the charts those pediatricians give you that say how heavy your baby should be. This meant a lot of stress about getting enough into her to help her maintain and gain weight.
What goals are you working toward? What goals have you accomplished? Brag here. Brag away!

Thanks for the welcome back to blogging! MMM.. breastfeeding. I think I remember that.
My goal with all three kids was breastfeeding for one year. Sadly, my oldest two didn't read that memo. Sarah quit on me at nine months. Joanna quit at eleven months. Looking back, I also realized we were undergoing a major move across the country at both those times. Hmmm, coincidence? Probably not--I'm assuming now that the stress reduced my supply and I probably could have resumed once the dust settled. Oh well. I've made it six months with Lydia and we'll see what she does!
On a similar vein--my gooal is to have NO dishes on the counter top or in the sink overnight tonight! I think breatfeeding Lydia for a year is a more attainable goal.
my goal is to set some goals...
Cashew is the only only one that I've made it to a year with. I'm not sure she's ever going to quit, now.
Well done!
congrats! i set goals like that with my son too... he was so hard!! so many obstacles, but it really is worth it. my daughter was an easy nurser, despite being a preemie. i nursed my son until he weaned at 2 and 1/2 and i just kicked my daughter off when she turned 3. i guess i am probably in a very small percentage:) great blog!
Congrats, that's great news! I had massive problems nursing baby #1, and made it to 7 months, mixed with formula. Baby#2 nursed til he was 2.5 and DD is going strong at 13 months. Good for you.
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