An actual conversation posted on Mr. Bean's Facebook wall.
Note: AB is from Norway and friends of the extended Bean family. There has been a Norway versus USA rivalry going on for years with the Bean siblings and AB. There is no Kraft Mac-n-Cheese to be found in Norway, apparently.AB: So who do you think will win the most medals in the Olympics...? :)
Me: And so it begins.... Certainly not Norway. :)
AB: Hmmm. A bit too early to say Mandie...Perhaps we should make this interesting? I've run out of Mac and Cheese... ;)
Mr. Bean: So far it's U.S.A. 0 - Norway 0.
Mr. Bean: Correction: U.S.A. 2 - Norway 0.
Me: Another correction: U.S.A 4 - Norway 0.
AB: Just keep in mind that the population of U.S.A is about 309 million while Norway has 4.5 million.... But congrats on your 4 medals! I'm really "happy" for you! :)
Mr. Bean: Just keep in mind that Norway has about 309 million tons of snow while the U.S.A. has 4.5 million. So, yeah, I gotta say I'm feeling pretty good about the four medals so far.
Mr. Bean: Hey, Norway got a medal!
Mr. Bean: ...and so did the U.S.! 5-1 now.
Brother Bean: Not to mention that the medal came in an event the US has never medaled in before.
Waiting for Sister Bean (Who is no longer a Bean since her wedding) to chime in. AB is in Norway, so I'm going to assume she's sleeping and unable to reply to all the madness.